Linn Reusse
Welcome to the Conference of the Birds ! Linn Reusse will join the SRSO on the 2nd of June in the National Museum (NEUES MUSEUM) in...

1.000.000 visitors
How would you respond, finding by today 1.000.000 visitors since April 2016 at the Conference of the Birds ? Red Vine, Champagne,...

Ngorongoro II
Pressrelease Invitation

The Conference of the Birds & ITZ
We would like to inform you, that CALLIAS FOUNDATION has joined the 'Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft' (ITZ) and has included a...

#thesilkroadsymphony #howwouldyoucomposeasilkroad #whatisyourideaofquality #thesilkroadsymphonyorchestra

Gütersloh & The Silk Road Symphony
A heartfelt thank you to Ralf Combrink and Anke Marganus from Sonopress in Gütersloh for the strong, real and clear support to put an...

First Recording
" I think we have an excellent communication tool " Jean-Yves Labat de Rossi about our first live recording in the Jesus Christus Kirche...

Google.org Impact Challenge 2018
We are glad that CALLIAS FOUNDATION could participate in two workshops (Ideenwerkstatt & Zukunftswerkstatt) held at the Google office in...

Charta der Vielfalt
Grateful to be part of the Charta der Vielfalt under the Patronage of Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel. We trust that the Silk Road Cultural...

Die Kulturflüsterin
We would like to share with you an interview, Lena Kettner, a German Blogger from DIE KULTURFLÜSTERIN (Munich) took from Jan Moritz Onken...

Conversion Rate
By today 700.000 people from more then 225 countries have visited the Conference of the Birds. We are grateful for all the curiosity and...

Grateful to share the good news that our artistic director Jan Moritz Onken was invited as a speaker at the #23 12min.me Ignite Talks to...

The Conference of the Birds at Quartier Zukunft
Until January 2018 The Silk Road Cultural Belt and the Conference of the Birds are part of an exhibition of Land der Ideen 2017 at the...

Annina Roescheisen
A heartfelt thank you to the German multimedia artist Annina Roescheisen for mentioning the Conference of the Birds and the SRSO in her...

Jonas Burgert
A heartfelt thank you to Jonas Burgert, Linita Reimann, Sven Potschien, Christine Albrecht and the entire team at Lehderstr. for sharing...