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Conversion Rate

By today 700.000 people from more then 225 countries have visited the Conference of the Birds. We are grateful for all the curiosity and openness towards the sources of inspiration shared so far at the Silk Road Cultural Belt. 19.7 % of you are coming back, following what is new in the Indian Ocean or across the African Continent. We also observe, that more and more people listen more then 5 minutes to the actual musical sources shared at the Conference of the Birds. Combined with a personal reflection of another listener at the Silk Road Cultural Belt we all can learn something about the quality of a specific work / genre / form / musical idea shared as a piece of silk. For all these growing numbers in relation to a part of life like perception of and reflection on 'other qualities' we are grateful and your wonderful ideas keep us working towards the next concerts of the Silk Road Symphony Orchestra - including your sources of inspiration in our coming concerts in 2018. Keep sharing !


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