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1.000.000 visitors

How would you respond, finding by today 1.000.000 visitors since April 2016 at the Conference of the Birds ?

Red Vine, Champagne, Chocolate or a humble message for those wonderful supporters who are behind our idea ?

A heartfelt thank you from all of us to the team of Google for Non-Profit to support us through the Google Ad Grants program to reach out to the world with our questions. Without you this wouldn't be possible. And we are not primarily looking for likes or thumbs but for real, clear and strong support through a sustainable co-creation process and participatory reflection on basic human qualities in classical music - so this result is really thanks to you !

But most important are our 1.000.000 visitors to us - 19.7% of you are returning visitors. You are crucial because you are testing and proving the meaning of certain ideas and questions. Trusting the position we are sharing. Thank you for your constructive and wonderful support and openness to our approach.

Bread Bread. Music Music. And you are located in 225 countries all over he world discovering some basic common questions and already some of you shared a piece of Silk which is dear and valuable to us. Thank you for your trust in this idea.

And we are looking forward to learn more about you - about the Conference of the Birds - your best qualities, your ideas of quality and your sources of inspiration shared at the Silk Road Cultural Belt.

Keep sharing ! The Conference of the Birds is now 1.000.000 people strong and the Silk Road Symphony Orchestra is preparing its next concerts in April and June 2018.

Keep sharing and we work hard to see you soon in person along the Silk Road and beyond.


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