Palestrina & The Book of the Dead
One of the key benefits of classical music is the great value you as a listener can transfer into your own personal priorities and life.
The Berliner Dialogkonzerte is a new format of the Silk Road Symphony Orchestra in Berlin where you can become a Responsible Listener by joining us from the very beginning of searching for sources of inspiration and learning from each other about different ideas of quality through the entire process of preparing a concert and then in the concert itself.
We learn most during the preparation and we want to share this precious time with you and to support you to learn more about Responsible Listeners.
For our next concert on the 26th of April 2019 we have chosen music by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and are working on the Egyptian Book of the Dead to chose different fragments which we will include.
Now is your chance: You can join us and the larger dialogue in the coming months through our Social Wall using the Hashtag #responsiblelisteners when you are writing and sharing a personal post or tweet about music from Palestrina or about your thoughts on 'The Egyptian Book of the Dead' through one of your Social Media channels. We would like to encourage you first to read and to listen and then to share f.e. one short quote from the 'Egyptian Book of the Dead' which speaks most to you. It would be great if you mention TheSRSO to help us to involve ideally the entire audience online and offline.
The Social Wall will automatically link to the Hashtag #responsiblelisteners.
Looking forward to learn and thank you in advance for sharing !

(c) Sven Potschien