#WhySilk - Hub / The Social Wall for Classical Music
We would highly appreciate your participation in a new form of dialogue between the Silk Road Symphony Orchestra and You, as a Listener. How? Start with discovering some of the personal ideas of quality shared at www.silkroadculturalbelt.com and ideally share a few thoughts about it through one of your Social Media Channels adding the Hashtag #responsiblelisteners and #berlinerdialogkonzerte.
Our Hashtag is linked to our Social Wall called #WhySilk - Hub and this way our audience of #responsiblelisteners can learn from each other and create together a valuable new benefit for people for whom classical music is an important part of life .
Perception is personal and there we see a huge potential which we want to unlock . We are non profit and use this only for scientific research and artistic purposes.
The Hashtag #responsiblelisteners is a unifying Concept to shift the focus from an EgoSystem to an EcoSystem.
This form of multidimensional dialogue leads to the Berliner Dialogkonzerte.
#firstlisten . Are you a good Listener? Welcome to the Conference of the Birds !
#science#clearknowledge #opensource#classicalmusic #whysilk #europe #berlin#berlintagundnacht @culture_action_europe@deutsche_stiftungen @bmwfoundation@choonhq_ @imcnetwork@europeanculturalfoundation#berlinerdialogkonzerte #janmoritzonken #whysilkhub