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New Philanthropy Circle

Grateful to share a few impressions from the 5th Callias Abend (22nd of Feb 2019) at Chaussee36.

A heartfelt thank you to all our guests and especially to George Perlov for his brilliant presentation of the 'New Philanthropy Circle' and our hashtag #responsiblelisteners .

We collected some of the very valuable, challenging and encouraging feedback for the follow-up and for your and our further reflection. We asked our guests to circle words or phrases that inspires them; or to cross through those that don't:

"I think it is a fascinating idea to follow the historic silk road with music for responsible listeners and to combine it with literature and various kinds of art to bring people to a better mutual understanding besides of the noise of daily trend of - often negative - information. (..)"

"Not just hearing, but listening, which means deciding consequences and choosing priorities"

"I am not so sure that Silk Road connection is so relevant. I really like the idea of 'Responsible Listening' "

( this guest circled "talking at, not with people" and "The Callias Foundation is trying to change that" )

"Ich habe Schwierigkeiten den Zusammenhang zwischen Verantwortung und Hören herzustellen. Aber ich verstehe es so, dass es mit der Auswahl des Gehörten zusammenhängt ! und bin sehr neugierig mehr über das Konzept zu erfahren."

One other guest circled 'engaging' 'music and dialogue' and crossed through 'global metaphors' with the question: "Why this ?" and "Why only professional performers ?"

"Responsible Listeners verbinden mehrere Welten; Körper, Geist, Seele. Sie hören mehrdimensional und agieren auf verschiedenen Ebenen.

Responsible Listeners sind offen und kritisch im Dialog mit unterschiedlichen kulturellen Einflüssen, sie suchen das Verbindende der Kulturen"

Another guest circled 'engaging' 'authentic dialogue' and 'thinkers' and wrote : "Curiosity - how does this work ?" or

"Engaging listeners through the lens of classical music and global metaphors that encourage authentic dialogue. We call it Responsible Listeners, our new unifying concept. Our online platform allows audiences from around the world to share their musical sources of inspiration, using the metaphor of the Silk Road Cultural Belt. These global exchanges in turn provide the spark for our live concerts. We combine the professionally-performed, wide range of music styles suggested by our global audience with classical, spiritual and humanistic literature and ideas presented by a host of international thinkers. Responsible Listeners bridge the classic and the new, east and west, virtual and real, philosophical and concrete. They see music and dialogue as an exciting expression of an open and civil society." and his comment in German: "Sehr schöne Sätze, Formulierungen. Sehr einladend, inspirierend. Vielleicht braucht man die Negativmatrix des ersten Absatzes gar nicht. Das Positive, Universalistische des Folgenden ist selbsterklärend."

"Ich finde den interkulturellen Austausch / Dialog spannend, sehe allerdings eine Diskrepanz der Einleitung die sich erstmal sehr banal liesst und dem interkulturellen Anspruch - vielleicht sollte von Anfang an der Fokus auf dem interkulturellen, intellektuellen Anspruch liegen. Und ist nur der 'Dialog' nicht zu beliebig ? Oder braucht es mehr den 'kuratorischen' Leitfaden".

We will continue this ongoing dialogue in the 'New Philanthropy Circle' and at our next Callias Abend

on the 5th of April 2019.


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