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We would like to introduce a new chapter of our journey which took us since 2015 already to more then 225 countries worldwide with 1.230.000 guests at the so called Conference of the Birds.

Only in Germany we could reach out to listeners in more than 3000 Cities and found out that there are many active and open listeners who are actively involved and interested in their own development.

One source of inspiration they refer to for learning more about certain basic human qualities is classical music which expresses certain necessities through a fast amount of musical forms and styles.

We created the Silk Road Cultural Belt as a platform where our audience can share their ideas of quality through certain sources of inspiration they can identify with. They took responsibility for their own co-participation in the process to learn from each other via a platform like the Conference of the Birds and to clearly define for themself what they want to get out of one of our concerts in Berlin.

Taking a moment to reflect and to share an example of their #HowSilk or #WhySilk through a YouTube-Link is an example of being a #responsiblelistener as part of a #responsibleaudience all over the world.

To involve a larger context of basic human experiences and questions we all share in a process which is practically happening and evolving day by day both in Berlin and at the same time all over the world.

We love our audience and want to see each of them growing. Compose your Silk Road.

And we highly appreciate all these sincere efforts to clearly define a specific basic quality in a composer, musical form, theme, motive, interpretation or expression of a certain voice from different parts of the world.

Keep sharing and see you during our next season in Berlin.


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