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What is the Conference of the Birds ?

Many may ask how we want to create a link between a global audience and the Silk Road Symphony Orchestra in a concrete rehearsal room or on the stage of a concert hall in Astana, Vienna or Istanbul.

Simply by involving you, which might be a music lover in Cansas, Capetown or Santiago de Chile, and who has never imagined a Beethoven symphony he left at the Conference of the Birds as a source of inspiration to be played in Tashkent or Shanghai and that there might be the option that his or her source of inspiration (f.e. Beethoven) will be chosen as a source of inspiration for an orchestra of 82 musicians which is called the Silk Road Symphony Orchestra. And thanks to your 'piece of silk' we can perform f.e. Beethoven's 7th Symphony in Beijing with a new and different background for an orchestra. We could even speak to you on Skype while being in a rehearsal asking you to share with the entire orchestra your personal thoughts on the source of inspiration you shared at the Conference of the Birds. So you, no matter where you are at the moment, with a friend at your holiday house in Granada or in your office in Jakarta can join us online thanks to digital media to be involved in the creative process we as musicians and as an orchestra are preparing in a specific and each time unique setting for a certain audience. So the Conference of the Birds is not only the best qualities in you we want to learn about , involve and strengthen through classical music but it is our audience around the world we are growing with online and offline through this approach. The difference is the background - the Silk Road Cultural Belt and the Internet. We just see it as our duty and privilege to reach out to new audiences through an inclusive, participative co-creating, co-composing, co-programing, co-inspiring approach. We don't want to sell you anything or teach you how to live. You know what you love and we just believe in the enormous creative potential which could be involved if we develop a sincere form of communication where every one feels safe and secure because the main motive is our common search for clear knowledge f.e. of how you would compose a Silk Road. So with other words, we call the 315.594 visitors at the Silk Road Cultural Belt the online Conference of the Birds. Then there is an offline Conference of the Birds with 13.5% returning visitors from many different countries every day. And of course there is a Conference of the Birds in every concert hall we are performing. There is the bridge to the Silk Road Symphony Orchestra, because our audience is serving with us together the best possible quality in the works we are interpreting in our specific way and form. It is a process and we trust that you enjoy it.

Welcome at the Conference of the Birds !


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